Facility security checklist: Customization key to asset monitoring, protection

facility security checklistTo implement effective security and surveillance technology at your facility, it’s important to partner with specialists who will design a system tailored to meet your needs. Customization is a huge part of any facility security checklist.

When it comes to securing your location, the right distributor partner will be able to successfully set up a system programmed to connect, monitor and protect your assets.


Connecting to a network is important at today’s job sites, and traditional broadband services are often not available. The communication experts at Border States, for example, can design solutions for internet access, secure Wi-Fi, remote network access and telephone communications.

Border States can even help you receive alarm notifications or check on your job site remotely from mobile devices.


It’s crucial to monitor your site to avoid theft. Over $1 billion worth of equipment and material is lost to theft in the United States every year.

Border States’ state-of-the-art video surveillance solutions provide unmatched capabilities. Megapixel network cameras feature:

  • Remote operation
  • Visual alarm verification
  • Personnel observation
  • Resource monitoring
  • Intrusion alerts


We specialize in integrating badge readers, keypads and proximity cards into a single system to help you protect multiple locations, including:

  • Fenced-in areas
  • Buildings
  • Rooms
  • Assembly lines
  • Perimeters
  • Secured doors or gates

Border States security and surveillance solutions can identify and track a remote worker via camera. Additionally, our technology is capable of withstanding harsh weather conditions. From North Dakota winters to Arizona summers, your equipment is protected from the elements.

Customization makes all the difference

  • It’s important to utilize security and surveillance solutions that can be customized for a single site or even hundreds of sites.
  • No power? No problem! From solar to mini-turbine wind generation, our experts can provide power solutions for security and surveillance equipment using a wide variety of sources.
  • Use our facility security checklist to choose the solutions that fit your needs, then work with our helpful experts to develop a solution that best fits your needs.

Follow this facility security checklist

  • What type of site do I need to secure?
    • Remote facility
    • Substation
    • Temporary job site
  • How do I connect?
    • Wireless
    • Broadband
    • Cellular
  • What are my surveillance needs?
    • Security cameras
    • Video recording
    • Remote access
  • What security features do I need?
    • Wired sensors
    • Wireless sensors
    • Monitoring service
    • Integration with an existing system
  • What do I need access control for?
    • Gates
    • Doors
    • Proximity card readers
    • Remote request to enter
  • Is power available?
    • Yes
    • No
  • Is a site drawing or map available?
    • Yes
    • No
  • What kind of panel do I need?
    • Preassembled
    • I can assemble myself
  • What are my installation requirements?
    • Self-install
    • Recommend a contractor
  • Do I need any extra features?
    • Secure Wi-Fi
    • Telephone
    • Lighting-based security
    • Digital signage and emergency notification
    • Remote audio and announcement
    • Other

To learn more about security and surveillance solutions from Border States, contact an Account Manager near you.

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