
Large South Carolina solar farm

Large South Carolina solar farm achieved with Border States services

Child respite and hospice home Crescent Cove

Child respite and hospice home Crescent Cove helped by Border States

Veteran's Day

Honoring the women and men who have served our country

Drone analytics for utilities

Drone tech and high-end utility analytics made possible by Border States, eSmart Systems

Fargo united way backpack

Fargo United Way backpack helped Border States’ Irma Ciber, war refugee

big flat electric

Big Flat Electric back online after Border States’ quick storm response

Habitat for humanity fargo

Habitat for Humanity Fargo adds ‘Hero Build’ drywall with Border States


Employee-owner’s nephew focus of PTSD film, ‘Thank You for Your Service’


Tough shoes to fill: Employee-owner is top fundraiser for Make-A-Wish walk