Blake KingThere are times when you just know you’re in the right place, at the right time.

That was the case for Blake King when he met his wife in college. After running into each other through mutual friends, the two wound up working at adjacent businesses – and the rest is history.

“I asked Heidi out to dinner the day before Valentine’s Day in 2002, and we’ve been together every day since,” says King, Border States Branch Operations Supervisor in Nashville, TN. “She’s definitely my best friend and mentor who teaches me something new every day.”

A stepping stone to an amazing future

Learning something new every day is a pretty special thing. King considers himself doubly blessed because he’s constantly developed new skills throughout his career at Border States. It was in 2008 when he started as a Customer Service Representative for the company.

When looking to grow and succeed at Border States, he recommends valuing the basics.

“Having that customer-service mindset is the most important thing,” King says. “We can talk about prices, services and other deliverables all day long, but at the end of the day, you can’t fake customer service.”

Upon starting at Border States, King quickly realized the reason our company is such a great place to learn and grow in your career is that there are great mentors who will show you the way. He can easily rattle off the names of a dozen Border States employee-owners who have had a profound impact on him.

“All of my supervisors have had the heart of a teacher,” King says. “They always drove me to do better, and they were always there to help me if I fell short.”

Succeed by showing initiative

Border States fosters a culture of team work. King quickly learned that, if you’re willing to take the initiative on projects without necessarily having to be asked to do so, you will excel within the company.

A great example of this occurred one day when King went beyond his normal duties to assemble promotional equipment. It was exactly that work ethic that helped him move up in the company.

Today, King instills that same work ethic and positive culture in the employee-owners at his branch. It’s an atmosphere that’s proven to be successful, especially when it comes to employee-owners coming together to make sure the right material arrives at the right place, at the right time, and at the right price.

Take ownership

Working at Border States is different than most other jobs, largely thanks to our 100 percent employee stock-ownership plan (ESOP).

“Being an employee-owner is having that stock in something, and having something amazing to look forward to,” King says. “Plus, we get to come to work every day and make a difference, not only in our lives, but in the lives of the people we serve.”

King also appreciates Border States’ great insurance plan and extended benefits package.

“We’re part of a very strong company that takes care of us,” he says.

Be part of a wonderful work family

People should enjoy the workplace culture they’re a part of. King is thankful to have found a supportive work home among a group of exceptional employee-owners.

“You’re able to have fun and work with people you care about who have become your extended family,” King says. “I don’t think I could find a better set of people than I have right here at Border States.”

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