Power monitoring devices detect performance changes

power monitoring devicesPower monitoring devices are vital to most production operations because they’re proactive in detecting equipment performance changes, and therefore help prevent unnecessary downtime.

The Fluke 3540 FC Three-Phase Power Monitor, for example, is a compact device used to monitor key electrical parameters with three-phase equipment, streaming data to the Fluke Connect® Cloud. With Fluke Connect, users can:

  • Schedule a work order to plan for maintenance.
  • Get instant notifications when equipment readings vary from pre-determined thresholds.
  • Access unique data reports, which provide an audit trail and reduce doubts about equipment performance.

This type of device uses easy-to-understand graphs to show trends and fluctuations in measurements. It also features alarm settings that immediately notify users when measurements are off.

Electrical power monitoring devices useful in many scenarios

Monitoring electrical parameters like current and distortion can show how equipment is performing in multiple settings. Check out these examples:

  • A baseline current or load at a critical pump is trending dangerously close to the motor’s maximum current rating.
  • The total power at an induction furnace appears to be fluctuating abnormally during a curing cycle.
  • A technician wants to determine how often a hydraulic pump is cycling on and off, in order to maintain proper flow and pressure.

What do these devices measure?

  • Single- or three-phase loads
  • Voltage, current and frequency in hard-to-reach and remote places
  • Total harmonic distortion
  • Power

Capable of being used on motors, HVAC units, pumps and more, Fluke’s 3540 FC includes a mode to log measurements even when there’s no cloud connection. When there is a cloud connection, users can transfer logged data. The extensiveness of measurements depends on topology factors such as wye or delta.

Case study: Power monitoring helps UPS manager relay TV broadcast data

On a humid September day in Green Bay, WI, the Filmwerks International crew preps a broadcast stage at Lambeau Field for the professional football game between Green Bay and Chicago, a heated rivalry that spans nearly 100 years. See the 3540 FC in action in this video:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WGNVkWdHVo&w=400&h=225]

With data trending, teams make better decisions that allow repairs and replacements before an emergency occurs.

This blog post was drafted in partnership with Fluke Corporation. Learn more about the Fluke 3540 FC Three-Phase Power Monitor.

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