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Studio 5000 Logix Designer V31,32 Safety Routines Will Not Execute When Using Compact Project with Delete Cache Build Data
Product Safety Group
1201 South Second Street
Milwaukee, WI USA 53204
expanding human possibility™
Notice of Potential Unsafe Condition
Rockwell Automation issues a Product Safety Advisory when it identifies a product(s) anomaly that may potentially cause harm to personnel, capital equipment loss or environmental damage. Immediate action is required as identified below.
Studio 5000 Logix Designer V31 and V32 Safety Routines Will Not Execute When Using “Compact Project” with “Delete Cache Build Data”
Reference: 2020-01-002
Date: January 2020
This Product Safety Advisory informs you of an anomaly that exists with the Rockwell Automation Studio 5000® Logix Designer® V31 and V32 only when used with GuardLogix® 5580 Safety Controllers, catalog numbers 1756-L8xES(K), and Compact GuardLogix 5380 Safety Controllers, catalog numbers 5069-L3xS2(K) and 5069-L3xS3(K). Following the execution of a specific series of software actions, some or all of the controller’s Safety Routines will not execute.
Important – This condition will result in the loss of safety function in affected controllers.
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expanding human possibility™
– Product Identification –
The affected products are the following specific versions of Rockwell Automation Studio 5000 Logix Designer:
 V31 Versions – V31.00.xx and V31.01.xx.
 V32 Versions – V32.00.xx, V32.01.xx and V32.02.xx.
Note – Studio 5000 Logix Designer is available as a standalone product, toolkit, or subscrption
This anomaly is only possible when used with the following Rockwell Automation Safety Controller families:
 5580 GuardLogix®, catalog numbers 1756-L8xES(K). Note – Safety applications implemented with or without a 1756-L8SP(K) safety partner are affected by this anomaly.
 5380 Compact GuardLogix®, catalog numbers 5069-L3xS2(K) and 5069-L3xS3(K).
Important – If you are not using GuardLogix 5580 or Compact GuardLogix 5380 safety controllers as specifically noted in the section above, you are not affected and no action is required on your part. Rockwell Automation recommends you update your Studio 5000 Logix Designer software should you decide to use one of the identified controllers in a future application.
Important – GuardLogix and Compact GuardLogix controller hardware and firmware are not affected by this anomaly and hardware may not be returned on this notification.
– Description –
An anomaly exists with the Rockwell Automation Studio 5000 Logix Designer V31 and V32 only when used with GuardLogix 5580 Safety Controllers, catalog numbers 1756-L8xES(K), and Compact GuardLogix 5380 Safety Controllers, catalog numbers 5069-L3xS2(K) and 5069-L3xS3(K). Following execution of a specific series of software actions, some or all of the controller’s Safety Routines may not execute. These operations include using the Compact Project File feature along with the Delete cached build data option.
Important – This condition will result in the loss of safety function in affected controllers
The product version information for Studio 5000 Logix Designer can be found on the product About dialog. The product version information is in the Version field.
In the example located to the left, the version is 32.00.00. This version is included in the identified product listed in the Product Identification section above and is subject to this notification.
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Important – If you do not use this feature, then you are not affected and no action is required on your part.
The following sequence is provided for reference only and is not recommended by Rockwell Automation. The anomalous behavior can be generated by the following steps:
1. Download a safety project with no safety signature applied.
2. Take the project offline.
3. Compact the project (File–>Compact). Be sure Delete cached build data is checked.
4. Take the project online (Communications–>Go Online).
5. Put the controller in program mode. Generate a safety signature. Note: This .ACD file is now in a state to exhibit anomalous behavior.
6. Take the project offline and re-download the project. The error Failure during Controller Save Signature operation will occur preventing a successful download. Important: The .ACD file remains in this state regardless of the elapsed time between going offline with the project and re-downloading.
7. Delete the safety signature and re-download the project.
8. Put the controller in run mode. Notice that the safety routines do not execute.
9. Put controller into program mode. Generate a safety signature.
10. Once more, take the controller offline and re-download the project. No errors occur this time.
11. Put the controller in run mode. Notice that the safety routines still do not execute.
To determine if you are affected by the anomalous behavior, you may use one of the following two methods:
Upload Method:
1. Upload the safety application from the safety controller to a new .ACD file.
2. Inspect safety task for empty safety routines. If any are found, refer to the Temporary Workarounds section of this document.
Download Method:
1. Using the ACD file originally used to validate the safety project, download to any compatible GuardLogix controller (exact same controller type, firmware revision, slot number, etc.).
2. Confirm that the download error – Failure during Controller Save Signature Operation – does not occur. If the error does occur, refer to the Temporary Workarounds section of this document. Note: This error may occur for unrelated reasons such as a firmware revision mismatch. Verify the reason for the error prior to taking action.
– Temporary Workarounds –
If you have determined you are affected by this anomaly as described in the Description section of this document, perform the following steps:
1. In the offline ACD file, delete the safety signature. If the project is Safety locked, unlock it first.
2. Compact the project (File–>Compact) with Delete cached build data unchecked.
3. Re-download the application to the controller.
4. Generate a new safety signature. Note: This safety signature will differ from the previous signature.
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5. Perform Project Validation on the safety application code as described in the GuardLogix 5580 and Compact GuardLogix 5380 Controller Systems Safety Reference Manual, Publication 1756-RM012. This document is available for download from the Rockwell Automation Literature Library as linked above.
Prior to download and installation of corrected software, do not compact the project with Delete cached build data checked and then go online (without downloading) and generate a safety signature. If you do, that project ACD file will contain this anomaly.
– Correction –
Correction requires updating Studio 5000 Logix Designer. Rockwell Automation is currently working on corrections and will have updated software available for the affected versions:
 V31 – Corrected in version V31.02.00 and later.
 V32 – Corrected in version V32.03.00 and later.
When available, customers may also upgrade to V33. Contact your Rockwell Automation Distributor or local Sales Office to discuss upgrade options.
A link has been provided at the end of the Rockwell Automation Knowledgebase Article ID 1092938 if you would like to receive an email notification when software correcting this anomaly is available for download. This article will also be updated when additional release information is available.
– Requested Customer Action –
Rockwell Automation requests you take the following actions:
 Confirm if you have a product affected by this Product Safety Advisory. Refer to the Product Identification and Description sections of this document for product identification assistance.
 Product hardware is not affected and may not be returned on this notification.
 Customers under support contract are automatically eligible for software updates. Customers not under a support contract should contact Rockwell Automation for further instructions.
 If you need additional assistance, please contact Rockwell Automation Technical Support. See Appendix A for local telephone numbers. Customers without TechConnect contracts should reference this Product Safety Advisory PSA 2020-01-002 when calling.
 Customers with TechConnect contracts may be able to chat online with support representatives. Reference this Product Safety Advisory when connected to a support engineer.
The most current version of this Product Safety Advisory is posted on the Rockwell Automation Support Center,, as ID number 1092938. Additional languages may also be available at the end of this article attached as downloadable PDF documents.
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expanding human possibility™
If this Product Safety Advisory does not affect you because you do not have the products any longer, or if you are a Distributor, Rockwell Automation asks that you forward a copy of this notice, with any identifying documentation, immediately to the person or company that now has the product. We also ask that you contact Rockwell Automation Technical Support and provide the location of the affected units.
We appreciate your immediate cooperation. If you have any questions, please contact us.
You can register for Automatic Product Safety Advisories and Product Notices from Rockwell Automation by email. Go to the Support web page at and click the Visit the Technical Support Center link. Sign in with your Tech Connect Account or free Rockwell Automation Member Account and you can subscribe to important product updates, including Product Safety Advisories and Product Notices.
Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.
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Appendix A
Regional Technical Support Information
The following list can help you to contact the correct technical support center for your location. If your country is not listed, you can find a customer support number for your location by going to the Rockwell Automation Knowledgebase as Click on Contact Us  Phone, and then enter your location information. If you have a TechConnect℠ support contract, please use the telephone number supplied to you with the contract.
Region / Country
Phone Number ( ) International Code
Region / Country
Phone Number ( ) International Code
1 800 762 593
(49) 211 41553 664
400 620 6620
(32) 2 716 8411
Hong Kong
+852 2887 4666
Czech Republic
(420) 28401 5911
1 800 2000 121
(45) 43 466 006
03 3206 2785
(358) 958 447 419
(82) 2 2188 4400
(33) 825303132
1 800 80 4851
(49) 211 41553 664
New Zealand
0800 27 27 25
(420) 28401 5911
080 902 0908
(44) 01908 635245
(66) 2936 1500
Italy (Brescia, Milano e Padova)
(39) 199 11 99 00
Italy (Bologna,Firenze,Napoli, Roma e Torino)
(39) 199 11 99 22
All Countries (English)
(1) 440 646 3223
(33) 825303132
All Countries (Español)
(1) 440 646 3650
(31) 10 266 55 80
Central America
(48) 22 32 60 707
(1) 440 646 3223
(1) 440 646 3650
(420) 284015911
(54) 800 10 0632
(34) 902 30 93 30
(55) 11 5189 9500
(46) 46 19 93 91
Switzerland (German)
(41) 0844 84 84 11
Switzerland (French)
(41) 0844 84 84 12
Costa Rica
Switzerland (Italian)
(41) 0844 84 84 13
United Kingdom
(44) 01908 635245
El Salvador
(52) 55 5246 2010
North America
(1) 440-646-3223
(52) 55 5246 2010
United States
(1) 440-646-3223
(52) 55 5246 2010
(54) 11 5554 4000
(1) 440 646 3650
(54) 11 5554 4000
If you have a TechConnect Contract, please use the telephone number supplied to you with the contract.
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Disclaimer: Our information is compiled from several sources that, to the best of our knowledge and belief, are accurate and correct. Border States accepts no liability or responsibility for the information published herein. These materials are provided for informational use only and do not, nor are they intended to, constitute legal advice.

The links contained on this webpage are provided for your convenience only. While we try to include only links to or frames of those sites which are in good taste and safe, we are not responsible for the content of third-party sites and cannot guarantee that sites will not change without our knowledge, and inclusion of such links and frames on this webpage does not imply Border States’ endorsement of the linked or framed sites or their content. If you decide to access any of the third-party websites linked to in this email, you do so entirely at your own risk and subject to the terms and conditions of use for such websites.