1608N MiniDySC and 1608P ProDySC Voltage Sag Correctors May Lose Primary Functionality
Product Safety Group
1201 South Second Street
Milwaukee, WI USA 53204
expanding human possibility™
Notice of Potential Product Concern
Rockwell Automation issues a Product Notice when it identifies a product(s) anomaly that may cause commercial or customer satisfaction concerns.
1608N MiniDySC and 1608P ProDySC Voltage Sag Correctors May Lose Primary Functionality
Reference: 2019-08-004
Date: August 2019
This Product Notice informs you of a potential anomaly that exists with the Bulletin 1608N MiniDySC® and 1608P ProDySC® Voltage Sag Correctors. Loss of an internal component may result in the product losing primary functionality, including sag correction and static bypass.
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expanding human possibility™
– Product Identification –
The affected products are Bulletin 1608N MiniDySC and 1609P ProDySC Voltage Sag Correctors. Only specific
units are affected. Affected units may be identified by the product serial number.
Catalog Number Serial Number Catalog Number Serial Number Catalog Number Serial Number
PM077536 PM077396 PM077346
PM077559 PM077397 PM077347
PM077560 PM077398 PM077348
PM077614 PM077399 PM077349
PM077615 PM077400 PM077352
PM077616 PM077401 PM077353
PM077402 PM077354
PM077817 PM077447 PM077355
PM077818 PM077448 PM077404
PM077819 PM077449 PM077405
PM077820 PM077450 PM077563
PM077821 PM077451 PM077564
PM077822 PM077452
PM077823 PM077453
PM077824 PM077454 PM077445
PM077825 PM077455 PM077446
PM077826 PM077456 PM077538
PM077827 PM077835 PM077539
PM077828 PM077540
PM077829 PM077541
PM077830 PM077542
PM077831 PM077568
PM077832 PM077569
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expanding human possibility™
The product identification information can be found on
the product’s nameplate, located on the side of the
device. The catalog number is in the CAT field and the
serial number is in the SN field under the serial number
bar code.
In the example shown at the left, the catalog number is
1608N-012A240V2S and the serial number is
PM078060. This information does not match the
information in the Product Identification section of this
document and is not subject to this notification. This
image is shown as an example only.
For product still in its packaging, the product
identification information can be found on the carton
label. The catalog number is in the CAT field and the
serial number is in the SN field under the serial number
bar code.
In the example shown at the left, the catalog number is
1608N-050A120V2S and the serial number is
PM077957. This information does not match the
information in the Product Identification section of this
document and is not subject to this notification. This
image is shown as an example only.
– Description –
A component internal to the Dynamic Sag Corrector product may fail prematurely, resulting in loss of primary
functionality, including sag correction and bypass functionality. This component is part of an internal circuit assembly
and cannot be repaired in the field.
– Temporary Workarounds –
No workaround has been identified. Customers where the sag correction functionality is not system critical may
bypass the sag corrector until a replacement can be installed.
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expanding human possibility™
– Correction –
Correction requires replacement of the MiniDySC or ProDySC product. Contact your Rockwell Automation
Distributor, Sales Office, or System Provider, or other place of purchase, and request replacement material. Make
sure to reference this Product Notice PN 2019-08-004 when requesting replacement hardware. Repair or exchange
is not available for this product. Unopened product should be returned in its original shipping carton with all factory
seals intact.
Rockwell Automation will accept requests for replacement product for a period of 18 months from the initial
publication of this Product Notice.
– Requested Customer Action –
Rockwell Automation requests you take the following actions:
Check if you have a product affected by this Product Notice. Refer to the Product Identification and
Description sections of this document for product identification assistance.
If applicable, contact your local Rockwell Automation Distributor or Sales Office for replacement. Make sure
to reference this Product Notice when requesting replacement product.
All returns should be over packed to prevent shipping damage during transit.
Continue to check incoming shipments for potentially affected product. Product in transit or in non-Rockwell
Automation inventory may continue to contain potentially affected product for a period of time after the
publication of this document.
If you need additional assistance, please contact Rockwell Automation Technical Support. See Appendix A
for local telephone numbers. Customers without TechConnect℠ support contracts should reference this
Product Notice when calling.
Customers with TechConnect support contracts may be able to chat online with support representatives.
Reference this Product Notice when connected to a support engineer.
The most current version of this Product Notice is posted on the Rockwell Automation
Support Center, http://www.rockwellautomation.com/knowledgebase, as ID number
1089526. Additional languages may also be available at the end of this article attached as
downloadable PDF documents.
If this Product Notice does not affect you because you do not have the products any longer, or if you are a Distributor,
Rockwell Automation asks that you forward a copy of this notice, with any identifying documentation, immediately to
the person or company that now has the product. We also ask that you contact Rockwell Automation Technical
Support and provide the location of the affected units.
We appreciate your immediate cooperation. If you have any questions, please contact us.
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expanding human possibility™
You can register for Automatic Product Safety Advisories and Product Notices from Rockwell Automation by email.
Go to the Support web page at http://www.rockwellautomation.com/support and click the Search Knowledgebase –
Get Answers link. Sign in with your TechConnect Account or free Rockwell Automation Member Account and you
can subscribe to important product updates, including Product Safety Advisories and Product Notices.
Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.
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Appendix A
Regional Technical Support Information
The following list can help you to contact the correct technical support center for your location. If your country is not listed, you
can find a customer support number for your location by going to the Rockwell Automation Knowledgebase as
https://rockwellautomation.custhelp.com. Mouse over Support and select Find Local Support, then enter your location
information. If you have a TechConnect℠ support contract, please use the telephone number supplied to you with the contract.
Region / Country Phone Number
( ) International Code
Region / Country Phone Number
( ) International Code
Asia/Pacific Europe
Australia 1 800 762 593 Austria (49) 211 41553 664
China 400 620 6620 Belgium (32) 2 716 8411
Hong Kong +852 2887 4666 Czech Republic (420) 28401 5911
India 1 800 2000 121 Denmark (45) 43 466 006
Japan 03 3206 2785 Finland (358) 958 447 419
Korea (82) 2 2188 4400 France (33) 825303132
Malaysia 1 800 80 4851 Germany (49) 211 41553 664
New Zealand 0800 27 27 25 Hungary (420) 28401 5911
Taiwan 080 902 0908 Ireland (44) 01908 635245
Thailand (66) 2936 1500 Italy (Brescia, Milano e Padova) (39) 199 11 99 00
Italy (Bologna,Firenze,Napoli,
Roma e Torino) (39) 199 11 99 22
All Countries (English) (1) 440 646 3223 Morocco (33) 825303132
All Countries (Español) (1) 440 646 3650 Netherlands (31) 10 266 55 80
Central America Poland (48) 22 32 60 707
Argentina 800.666.0320 Portugal (1) 440 646 3223
Belize (1) 440 646 3650 Slovakia (420) 284015911
Bolivia (54) 800 10 0632 Spain (34) 902 30 93 30
Brazil (55) 11 5189 9500 Sweden (46) 46 19 93 91
Chile 800.53.0012 Switzerland (German) (41) 0844 84 84 11
Colombia 01.800.700.2107 Switzerland (French) (41) 0844 84 84 12
Costa Rica 0800.013.1215 Switzerland (Italian) (41) 0844 84 84 13
Ecuador 58.212.949.0611 United Kingdom (44) 01908 635245
El Salvador (52) 55 5246 2010 North America
Guatemala 1.800.288.0108 Canada (1) 440-646-3223
Honduras (52) 55 5246 2010 United States (1) 440-646-3223
Mexico 001.888.365.8677
Nicaragua (52) 55 5246 2010
Panama 001.800.203.3475
Paraguay (54) 11 5554 4000
Peru 0800.535.36
Suriname (1) 440 646 3650
Uruguay (54) 11 5554 4000
Venezuela 800.1.00.3062
1201 South Second Street
Milwaukee, WI USA 53204
expanding human possibility™
Notice of Potential Product Concern
Rockwell Automation issues a Product Notice when it identifies a product(s) anomaly that may cause commercial or customer satisfaction concerns.
1608N MiniDySC and 1608P ProDySC Voltage Sag Correctors May Lose Primary Functionality
Reference: 2019-08-004
Date: August 2019
This Product Notice informs you of a potential anomaly that exists with the Bulletin 1608N MiniDySC® and 1608P ProDySC® Voltage Sag Correctors. Loss of an internal component may result in the product losing primary functionality, including sag correction and static bypass.
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expanding human possibility™
– Product Identification –
The affected products are Bulletin 1608N MiniDySC and 1609P ProDySC Voltage Sag Correctors. Only specific
units are affected. Affected units may be identified by the product serial number.
Catalog Number Serial Number Catalog Number Serial Number Catalog Number Serial Number
PM077536 PM077396 PM077346
PM077559 PM077397 PM077347
PM077560 PM077398 PM077348
PM077614 PM077399 PM077349
PM077615 PM077400 PM077352
PM077616 PM077401 PM077353
PM077402 PM077354
PM077817 PM077447 PM077355
PM077818 PM077448 PM077404
PM077819 PM077449 PM077405
PM077820 PM077450 PM077563
PM077821 PM077451 PM077564
PM077822 PM077452
PM077823 PM077453
PM077824 PM077454 PM077445
PM077825 PM077455 PM077446
PM077826 PM077456 PM077538
PM077827 PM077835 PM077539
PM077828 PM077540
PM077829 PM077541
PM077830 PM077542
PM077831 PM077568
PM077832 PM077569
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expanding human possibility™
The product identification information can be found on
the product’s nameplate, located on the side of the
device. The catalog number is in the CAT field and the
serial number is in the SN field under the serial number
bar code.
In the example shown at the left, the catalog number is
1608N-012A240V2S and the serial number is
PM078060. This information does not match the
information in the Product Identification section of this
document and is not subject to this notification. This
image is shown as an example only.
For product still in its packaging, the product
identification information can be found on the carton
label. The catalog number is in the CAT field and the
serial number is in the SN field under the serial number
bar code.
In the example shown at the left, the catalog number is
1608N-050A120V2S and the serial number is
PM077957. This information does not match the
information in the Product Identification section of this
document and is not subject to this notification. This
image is shown as an example only.
– Description –
A component internal to the Dynamic Sag Corrector product may fail prematurely, resulting in loss of primary
functionality, including sag correction and bypass functionality. This component is part of an internal circuit assembly
and cannot be repaired in the field.
– Temporary Workarounds –
No workaround has been identified. Customers where the sag correction functionality is not system critical may
bypass the sag corrector until a replacement can be installed.
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expanding human possibility™
– Correction –
Correction requires replacement of the MiniDySC or ProDySC product. Contact your Rockwell Automation
Distributor, Sales Office, or System Provider, or other place of purchase, and request replacement material. Make
sure to reference this Product Notice PN 2019-08-004 when requesting replacement hardware. Repair or exchange
is not available for this product. Unopened product should be returned in its original shipping carton with all factory
seals intact.
Rockwell Automation will accept requests for replacement product for a period of 18 months from the initial
publication of this Product Notice.
– Requested Customer Action –
Rockwell Automation requests you take the following actions:
Check if you have a product affected by this Product Notice. Refer to the Product Identification and
Description sections of this document for product identification assistance.
If applicable, contact your local Rockwell Automation Distributor or Sales Office for replacement. Make sure
to reference this Product Notice when requesting replacement product.
All returns should be over packed to prevent shipping damage during transit.
Continue to check incoming shipments for potentially affected product. Product in transit or in non-Rockwell
Automation inventory may continue to contain potentially affected product for a period of time after the
publication of this document.
If you need additional assistance, please contact Rockwell Automation Technical Support. See Appendix A
for local telephone numbers. Customers without TechConnect℠ support contracts should reference this
Product Notice when calling.
Customers with TechConnect support contracts may be able to chat online with support representatives.
Reference this Product Notice when connected to a support engineer.
The most current version of this Product Notice is posted on the Rockwell Automation
Support Center, http://www.rockwellautomation.com/knowledgebase, as ID number
1089526. Additional languages may also be available at the end of this article attached as
downloadable PDF documents.
If this Product Notice does not affect you because you do not have the products any longer, or if you are a Distributor,
Rockwell Automation asks that you forward a copy of this notice, with any identifying documentation, immediately to
the person or company that now has the product. We also ask that you contact Rockwell Automation Technical
Support and provide the location of the affected units.
We appreciate your immediate cooperation. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Page 5 of 6
expanding human possibility™
You can register for Automatic Product Safety Advisories and Product Notices from Rockwell Automation by email.
Go to the Support web page at http://www.rockwellautomation.com/support and click the Search Knowledgebase –
Get Answers link. Sign in with your TechConnect Account or free Rockwell Automation Member Account and you
can subscribe to important product updates, including Product Safety Advisories and Product Notices.
Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.
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expanding human possibility™
Appendix A
Regional Technical Support Information
The following list can help you to contact the correct technical support center for your location. If your country is not listed, you
can find a customer support number for your location by going to the Rockwell Automation Knowledgebase as
https://rockwellautomation.custhelp.com. Mouse over Support and select Find Local Support, then enter your location
information. If you have a TechConnect℠ support contract, please use the telephone number supplied to you with the contract.
Region / Country Phone Number
( ) International Code
Region / Country Phone Number
( ) International Code
Asia/Pacific Europe
Australia 1 800 762 593 Austria (49) 211 41553 664
China 400 620 6620 Belgium (32) 2 716 8411
Hong Kong +852 2887 4666 Czech Republic (420) 28401 5911
India 1 800 2000 121 Denmark (45) 43 466 006
Japan 03 3206 2785 Finland (358) 958 447 419
Korea (82) 2 2188 4400 France (33) 825303132
Malaysia 1 800 80 4851 Germany (49) 211 41553 664
New Zealand 0800 27 27 25 Hungary (420) 28401 5911
Taiwan 080 902 0908 Ireland (44) 01908 635245
Thailand (66) 2936 1500 Italy (Brescia, Milano e Padova) (39) 199 11 99 00
Italy (Bologna,Firenze,Napoli,
Roma e Torino) (39) 199 11 99 22
All Countries (English) (1) 440 646 3223 Morocco (33) 825303132
All Countries (Español) (1) 440 646 3650 Netherlands (31) 10 266 55 80
Central America Poland (48) 22 32 60 707
Argentina 800.666.0320 Portugal (1) 440 646 3223
Belize (1) 440 646 3650 Slovakia (420) 284015911
Bolivia (54) 800 10 0632 Spain (34) 902 30 93 30
Brazil (55) 11 5189 9500 Sweden (46) 46 19 93 91
Chile 800.53.0012 Switzerland (German) (41) 0844 84 84 11
Colombia 01.800.700.2107 Switzerland (French) (41) 0844 84 84 12
Costa Rica 0800.013.1215 Switzerland (Italian) (41) 0844 84 84 13
Ecuador 58.212.949.0611 United Kingdom (44) 01908 635245
El Salvador (52) 55 5246 2010 North America
Guatemala 1.800.288.0108 Canada (1) 440-646-3223
Honduras (52) 55 5246 2010 United States (1) 440-646-3223
Mexico 001.888.365.8677
Nicaragua (52) 55 5246 2010
Panama 001.800.203.3475
Paraguay (54) 11 5554 4000
Peru 0800.535.36
Suriname (1) 440 646 3650
Uruguay (54) 11 5554 4000
Venezuela 800.1.00.3062