Supply Chain Update

The natural gas utility products featured in this catalog will keep you on the cutting edge and up-to-date with the latest technology.
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Supply Chain Update
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Lead Time Trends

Lead time changes compared to ago:

Market Difference
All Markets

The natural gas utility products featured in this catalog will keep you on the cutting edge and up-to-date with the latest technology.

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Leak detection…………………………..19
Marking and locating equipment…25
Valve maintenance
and equipment………………………….31
Test and measurement……………….43
Pipeline pigs……………………………..49
Polyethylene pipe fittings
and equipment………………………….55
Meter sets and meter
connection products………………….75
Risers and transition fittings………..81
Steel piping and fittings………………85
Line stopper fittings………………..113
Valves and valve boxes…………..125
Squeeze tools………………………..147
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As you face increasing pressure from both customers and regulators, you
need a supply chain solution’s expertise. The natural gas utility products
featured in this catalog will keep you on the cutting edge and up-to-date
with the latest technology. Our customers benefit through improved
processes, supplier consolidation and technical support.
We don’t stock every product—we stock the best products. Products
that get the job done, backed by dedicated personnel with real-world
Our understanding of natural gas distribution and transmission systems
enables us to provide the most comprehensive analysis of products,
services and equipment available to the industry today. Our dedicated
personnel work with your standards engineers to improve lead time, lower
costs and allow for more readily available alternatives. This means you
have fewer products to be warehoused, simplified in-house training and
lowered carrying costs.
We believe it’s our responsibility to keep our customers current with
technology in the natural gas industry. Our valve maintenance specialists
provide technical knowledge, operator qualification and training in:
»» Valve maintenance classes that cover hydraulic gun maintenance, plug
valves, ball valves, Department of Transportation (DOT) requirements,
frozen valves, valve flushing and lubrication procedures.
»» Perform valve maintenance on below- and above-grade distribution
plug valves while the valve is still in service.
»» Operator qualification on valve maintenance, which includes testing.
The Compass Global Supply Chain Update Monthly newsletter from Border States that helps you navigate factors affecting global supply chains. Sign up to get an email update once a month.

Disclaimer: Our information is compiled from several sources that, to the best of our knowledge and belief, are accurate and correct. Border States accepts no liability or responsibility for the information published herein. These materials are provided for informational use only and do not, nor are they intended to, constitute legal advice.

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