David HarrisDavid Harris is always running somewhere.

The Border States Senior Credit Analyst has completed 10 full marathons and nearly 30 half-marathons. Not to mention the relay event he and a group of friends have entered for the past 10 years.

Harris describes his love of running as a “silly addiction” that helps him do something he enjoys even more – spend time with people.

“It’s a social thing,” Harris says. “It’s also a cheap form of exercise.”

Find your niche

Originally from Dickson, TN, Harris has spent the last 15 years working at Border States’ branch in nearby Nashville, TN. The company acquired this location from Harris Electric Supply 10 years ago (no affiliation with his last name).

Harris has a kind demeanor and is constantly helping different customers with their accounts. Whether it’s a mom-and-pop shop or a multimillion-dollar business, he takes extra care to create a positive experience for customers.

“We have really, really great customers,” Harris says. “They’re one of the highlights of the job.”

Learn from great mentors

During his time at Border States, Harris’ knowledge about the specific interests and challenges of customers has largely stemmed from the institutional knowledge shared by his co-workers. He’s always been able to ask questions from veteran employee-owners and says the company has given him the training and resources he needs to be successful.

“I’ve always appreciated the valuable insight from people here who have been around a lot longer than me,” Harris says, adding Border States is a company that develops helpful and supportive supervisors. “There’s trust there, and it’s great to know you can always call on these people for support.”

Be part of a growing company

Border States is a 100 percent employee-owned, American company with a fun workplace culture that Harris has experienced firsthand. Employee-owners promote a positive work atmosphere through activities like United Way fundraisers, community volunteering and grill-outs. There’s a general sense of camaraderie throughout the company, which has an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) that is tough to beat.

“The ESOP is a great thing because it shows each employee-owner that what we do on a daily basis not only improves the bottom line for the entire company, but it helps the bottom line of each employee-owner,” Harris says.

Harris also appreciates the multiple other benefits Border States offers, some of which include health, dental and vision insurance. Ultimately, he’s thankful to be part of a growing company.

“Border States is a strong company with good direction, good leadership and a good retirement plan in the form of our ESOP,” Harris says. “The company encourages you to grow in various areas. If you want to move up, there are opportunities for that.”

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