6 Ways to Enhance Your Safety Training

Safety training and meetings are some of the most important activities we do to keep our workers safe and injury-free. As part of this effort, it is crucial to ensure workers pay attention and are alert to every detail covered during these meetings. Here we explore six easy ways to enhance your safety training.

1. Come up with Interactive Activities

Use interactive safety exercises to keep workers alert, educated and engaged. The interactive manner of the exercises can help engage workers, drive home important topics and help them to remember key points for the long term.

safety training activities

2. “What’s Wrong with this Picture?”

Present a series of pictures with different safety violations and correct procedures. Have employees determine what is wrong and what is correct in each of the images.

safety training

3. Take a Field Trip

Take employees to a work area to demonstrate precise safety steps for a certain task or set of tasks. Seeing activities and procedures in practical settings reinforce what was taught in the classroom. Working through tasks in a “real-life” application can often be more effective than classroom training.

safety training field trip

4. Present High Stakes Scenarios

Have workers write a final message to their families about how they died from not using PPE properly. This may be a difficult exercise; however, it helps workers realize what will happen if they choose to engage in unsafe practices.

safety training high stakes

5. Free Food

Free food always lures people in and can help keep their attention. Just make sure to advertise the free food so people are sure to show up.

safety training free food

6. The Student Becomes the Teacher

Sometimes the best way to learn a new skill or reinforce a piece of knowledge is to share that information with others.

safety training student becomes teacher


At Border States, safety is not just a priority, it is a core value.


Read more:

OSHA Establishes New Confined Space Construction Standards
Catch Up On the New GHS Standard
Breathing Easier: OSHA Releases Final Rule Regarding Silica
Explosion-proof LED Lighting and Confined Spaces


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