VIDEO: Product Kitting Services for Industrial and Utility Applications

Product kitting combines components together in a “kit” of material for installation. You can determine the material in each kit, the type of packaging and the sequence of delivery to meet deadlines, increase crew productivity and manage inventory levels more effectively.

This product packaging service is useful for preventative maintenance and downtime, project staging, and transmission and distribution projects (among others).

We offer a wide range of innovative kitting services that help you get the job done while saving time and money.

We coordinate the delivery of complete kits and deliver them to your job site or storeroom. This service involves the staging and delivering of all material for a specific job in a clearly identifiable package. Custom labeling includes customer-specific descriptions on all paperwork, including packing slips and invoices to improve efficiency by directing the material to the proper crew.

We work with you to identify items that can be combined into a customized kit. The kit is identified with a unique part number that allows you to order one line item and receive the complete bill of materials you require. Streamlined inventory management, simplified record-keeping, logistical efficiencies and reduced transaction costs are just some of the benefits of this service.

Kitting can provide huge time savings for crews in the field by having material packaged together and, in some cases, preassembled for the specific job.