Smart sensors are the perfect way to gain visibility into your distribution network.
They help utilities improve the efficiency in which they operate their distribution systems by improving outage management and capacitor bank maintenance, while providing critical system information.
What’s in it for you?
With smart sensors from Border States, you can reduce customer outage minutes, as well as operating and maintenance costs. You could also see an increase in network capacity and reduce the cost of ownership – because many sensors are designed for easy installation on live networks. You’ll also gain the ability to instrument legacy substations at a fraction of the cost of remodeling the substation with instrument transformers and wiring, conduit and RTU that would accomplish less than what the LineWatch M can in its existing form.
Additionally, imagine having remote access to a faulted circuit indicator (FCI) that delivers real-time information back to the office, rather than the alternative of having to drive around to different locations. You can also conquer the challenge of capturing faults in both low and high impedance fault conditions.
Smart sensors come with the following data collection analytics capabilities:
- Legacy substation monitoring
- Grid automation
- Asset management
- Load planning
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A smart investment for the future
Not only do smart sensors from Border States ease distribution monitoring for the present, but they enable further application development and compliance with regulatory and operational requirements (with remote firmware upgrades) for the future.
More information on QinetiQ’s LineWatch products

QinetiQ North America offers the LineWatch L (600 V) and LineWatch M (up to 36 kV) distribution grid sensors that measure current, voltage and phase angle, and derive many other values including power factor, harmonics and real and reactive power. The devices communicate data to a utility operation center to help with fault detection, load monitoring asset management, and other tasks.
LineWatch L is easily and quickly installed on either overhead secondary lines, on or near distribution transformers, or underground vaults and pad-mounted transformers in approximately 15 minutes (using insulated gloves). The device measures voltage, current and phase angle. Utilities are increasingly looking to measure current and voltage to address their smart grid needs, and LineWatch L allows them to measure both with a single device, reducing overall initial system and deployment costs.
The LineWatch M is unique in that it doesn’t require a neutral connection to measure voltage and phase angle, yet provides a very high degree of accuracy. Having no neutral connections leads to a safe, fast and low-cost deployment, as well as the lowest total ownership cost in the market.
Smart sensors are your distribution monitoring solution
It’s worth it to gain better situational awareness of what is happening on your distribution grid. For more information on smart sensors, contact a Border States account manager today.