Material management helps reduce unproductive time

supply chain material managementDo more than stocking shelves

Material management is a complex process of determining what materials to keep on hand, how much to stock, when to order and when to make changes to your process in order to meet your facility’s and your crew’s needs – sometimes on a per project basis.

Good material managers know what’s on the shelves at any given time. Great material managers understand inventory lifecycles, the importance of avoiding stock-outs and stockpiles, and the growing need to stay ahead of the competition by staying on top of trends and innovations.

The best material managers know when to stop reinventing the wheel. They choose to take advantage of the expertise and built-in efficiencies offered by their suppliers to simplify supply chain management and free up valuable time and resources throughout their operation.

Save time, effort and resources with supply chain material management

By its very nature, material management is a labor-intensive process, and staying on top of everything takes considerable time and effort.

Devoting time and energy to managing material often means you’re diverting those resources away from other projects and opportunities. For example, the time spent barcoding and logging supplies into your system might be better spent diving into a new project that could bring value to the company, or simply performing routine maintenance.

If it’s not barcoding, it’s the ongoing and time-consuming process of ordering supplies, making sure inventory isn’t too high, isn’t too low and includes all the right products (stocked in the right places and at just the right times).

More often than not, material management is too big of a job to take on alone. If the process breaks down at any point, mistakes are made and even more time is spent rushing and tracking orders, organizing materials and getting a grip on the problem. Companies are finding a smarter way to streamline material management – by partnering with a superb supply chain partner.

Utilize the expertise of a trusted supply chain partner

What if your team were free to focus their time and energy on getting the job done instead of spending hours searching for material, making supply runs and tracking down orders? What would happen to your business if you allowed your supplier to integrate their expertise and experience into your operation?

  • Time to win more jobs.
  • Reduce downtime and complete jobs faster than ever before.
  • Improve morale by allowing your workers to focus on their job.
  • Reduce costs, which means you can invest in new equipment, more staff and facility improvements to help you stay ahead of your competition.
  • Save time, lower expenses and make more money.

The sheer scope and complexity of material management is a challenge for any company. It requires unique skills to manage the processes involved to ensure your entire operation has the material and supplies needed at the right time, in the right place and in the right amount.

SupplyTrax, for example, provides a full suite of services and solutions to help your business stay ahead of the competition. From job site storage, to kitting and material staging, solutions are tailored to your needs.

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