Have aging electronics? Distributor repairs are a sound, economical alternative

aging electronicsWhen facility operation managers don’t have the budget to replace aging electronics, an economical and reliable alternative is partnering with the right distributor for quality repair and refurbishing services.

Electronic device and board repair services help infrastructure operate like new at nearly half the cost, and are ideal for companies who are:

  • Dealing with aging legacy equipment
  • Struggling to find obsolete parts
  • Considering ways to reduce expenses

Extend the life of aging electronics

By partnering with an industrial distributor like Border States, for example, customers have access to economy 12-month, standard 18-month or priority 24-month warranties on entire units, depending on the situation.

Trained personnel even perform a base evaluation to determine the lifecycle of equipment, leading to minimized downtime, reduced costs, and increased system compatibility. Plus, managers enjoy the convenience of no longer having to struggle to train employees every time a piece of equipment is replaced.

Since a distributor is a one-stop-shop for hard-to-find parts and repair expertise, there’s no waiting for repairs, which is especially helpful when multiple manufacturers are involved.

It’s also important for businesses to partner with a distributor that provides after-hours support, so managers don’t have to wait for answers until the next business day. This saves operations from costly downtime.

For facility operations managers interested in minimizing downtime, reducing costs, and improving system functionality, it’s crucial to partner with the right Industrial distributor. Take the first step toward extending the life of aging infrastructure by utilizing electronic device and board repair services.

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