By installing the right yard and area LED lighting, your company can save energy, reduce maintenance costs, increase nighttime visibility, and improve safety and security.
Leasing area lighting?
Companies across the country that have been leasing yard lights for a monthly fee are finding that they can significantly reduce their annual maintenance and electricity cost by changing out high-pressure sodium (HPS) and other fixtures to LED.

With a normal payback period of three to four years, your company can turn its leased light program into a money-maker and simultaneously increase your customers’ satisfaction by providing a quality, white light.
Current or discontinued fixtures don’t last long
With mercury-vapor being phased out, are you looking for a long-lasting replacement? Modern LED RMA-style fixtures last 10 times longer than 100 W metal halides and four times longer than HPS.
Additionally, current or discontinued fixtures take too much energy. Enjoy up to 79 percent cost savings with modern LED RMA-style fixtures.
Facing ‘dark skies’ restrictions?

Most modern LED RMA-style fixtures have regular diffused and dark skies-style heads. Several styles become dark skies certified by simply removing the diffuser.
Long-lasting yard and area lighting is the solution you need
Gain usage life, save money and increase overall usability with long-lasting yard and area lighting from Border States. For questions, contact a Border States account manager today.