2017 arc flash, electrical safety trainings you should know about

Arc flash suitA good employer prioritizes safety every day of the year. Part of that priority involves partaking in training sessions that help employees make it home safely at the end of the day.

e-Hazard has many upcoming arc flash and electrical safety trainings scheduled throughout the country, and they’re worth checking out.

If you don’t see the class you’re looking for by clicking the link above, click here to create a custom class to meet your needs. Border States industry experts will be available to share safety insight at the following trainings:

Low Voltage Qualified – NFPA 70E

High Voltage Qualified

The above is part of a full list of scheduled trainings. Click here to view and register for more training sessions.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Il-3sN3x2ss&w=400&h=225]