Cassie BrunsYour skills are appreciated

Cassie Bruns describes her life as a fun journey, made enjoyable by things like photography, playing toy trucks with her toddler and 9-month-old, and helping employee-owners stay connected across the country.

As Border States Regional Operations Coordinator, Bruns travels to a select group of the company’s more than 100 branch locations to provide operations training and support.

“I like to be that link between the branches, offering tips for them to be more efficient,” says Bruns, originally from Hector, MN, and based out of Kansas City, MO.

Enjoy professional growth

Since before her days of mass communication studies at North Dakota State University in Fargo, ND, Bruns has loved being able to learn new things. She’s also wanted to shape a successful career, which is a huge benefit of being an employee-owner at Border States.

It’s not just about the 100 percent employee stock-ownership plan (ESOP), which Bruns describes as a fantastic benefit, but rather accessing countless opportunities for mentorship and professional growth.

“You don’t have to stay in your one position for 20 years,” Bruns says. “I know of multiple cases where a warehouse associate worked their way up to management.”

A culture of encouragement

Bruns describes the culture at Border States as positive. “Own your future” is a message she regularly shares with the employee-owners she brushes shoulders with at different branch locations.

“When I visit branches, I see the potential in so many people, and it’s fun helping them realize all the things they can accomplish,” she says. “This company lets you achieve what you want. You just have to work to get there.”

Bruns says Border States provides its employee-owners with great supervisors and mentors. Additionally, she feels like she can ask questions and request to attend different training events.

For example, she’s taken part in marketing and operations conferences through the National Association of Electrical Distributors (NAED). “Just the fact that Border States is willing to let me take time away and learn is great.”

Opportunity awaits

Bruns continues to enjoy building her career at Border States. It’s opened the door to a work life she never imagined she’d find.

“There’s a lot of opportunity at Border States,” she says. “All you have to do is ask for it.”

Check out more “Why BSE?” stories.